


    Keenan started his umpiring journey at WDNA in 2014, before progressing into the State Umpire Performance program in 2020 and attaining his National A Badge 2022. Keenan is a member of the Australian Men’s and Mixed Netball Association National Umpire Pool, as well as an umpire coach within the Netball WA pathways. Keenan formally joined the WDNA staff in 2024 as AUDO and has a strong focus on umpire development across the association. 

    Contact Keenan about:

    • WDNA’s umpiring programs
    • Club umpiring assistance
    • Umpire development pathways or opportunities
    • Competition queries or issues
    • Umpiring courses & workshops
    • Anything else umpiring related

    Nola is a very experienced umpire coach and a highly respected and experienced umpire. Nola held the equivalent of the International Netball Umpires Award, was a Member of Netball Australia Testing and Allocation Panel, responsible for coaching umpires on the ANZ championships, and was the State Umpire Director for many years. Nola has umpired at a World Youth Cup, at two World Championships and travelled with the Australian Institute Of Sport. Nola also umpired and coached other umpires in Bermuda, West Indies, Asia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. 

    Nola joined the umpiring team in 2024 and works with our academy umpires, oversees our umpiring coaching program. and mentors our senior umpires.  Nola is excited to be back at WDNA, after many years, to help the umpires of the future.

    Contact Nola about:

    • All things Umpire Coaching related
    • Senior umpire development

    Caitlyn began umpiring at WDNA in 2015 in the Green Shirt Program, achieving her B badge in 2022 and being selected into the State Umpire Performance program in 2023. Caitlyn has been an umpire coach at WDNA since 2022, and is excited to be working with the Green Shirt umpires in 2025. 

    Contact Caitlyn about:

    • Green Shirt Program queries
    • NSG Umpiring queries

For any other umpiring enquiries:

Email umpiring@wdna.net.au


WDNA’s Umpiring Academy is a development program for accredited umpires wishing to further progress their umpiring. Umpires in this program are allocated to regular games throughout the season and have access to high quality umpire coaching throughout the season.

Umpires in WDNA’s Academy also gain free entry to all WDNA run umpiring workshops, as well as workshops targeted specific for different levels of umpiring abilities. For continued upskilling, it is expected WDNA Academy Umpires attend their allocated workshop in the pre-season, as well as at least one workshop during the season.

Umpires from within the Squad are selected for further development opportunities, such as FTGAP Association Championships, Metro Development Program, Fever in Time and beyond.

Express your Interest in joining WDNA's Umpire Squad:

Our Squad is divided up into four stages and it’s recommended that umpires make themselves aware of the differences to enable them to achieve the next goal. All members of squad will be allocated to a stage based on the previous season’s performance, with movement between the stages throughout the season.

Junior Academy:

The focus in this stage is to umpire to a C Badge standard every game, learn more about game management and where necessary introduce these principles to your umpiring.

Developing Academy:

This stage is for umpires who are showing good C Badge consistency. The focus is to start looking off the ball and learning to read the play. There is an expectancy start developing an understanding of contact and contest and umpire accordingly. Improved knowledge of game management is required within this stage, recognizing when and how to apply it initially, followed by being confident to apply more consistently.

Allocation of games are generally lower than previously experienced for this stage due to the requirement of slower games to enable the skill of scanning and getting back to the ball before release to be achieved.

Development Academy:

Umpires who have shown a consistent ability to look off, read play and position accordingly will be invited to this stage of the Academy. Here the focus is to develop your scanning to include twelve players in your vision and allow this to dictate your positioning more consistently.

Umpires should aim to be consistent with Game Management and implement it appropriately, this works with the understanding of intent of players, allowing game management to be applied with confidence.

Further development of contact v contest is also required in this stage. Umpires will be selected from this stage to be put forward for their National B Badges.

Senior Academy:

This stage consists of umpires who have obtained a National B or A accreditation. The focus will be on consolidating their current accreditation and being further exposed to the National Umpiring Pathway.

Umpires within the Senior Academy are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience with developing umpires through Umpire Coaching.

The Umpiring Academy hosts specialised training sessions throughout the winter season, targeted at umpires of similar level. It is compulsory for ALL umpires to attend a preseason session in March/April, as well as at least one workshop during the season.

All umpires with WDNA's Umpiring Academy have access to our workshops included in their fees. 

Applicable fees are $150 for C Badged Umpires; $80 for B Badged Umpires and $0 for A Badged Umpires & Umpires in the State Umpire Performance Program.

These fees pay for the coaching that you are provided with each week, the additional training and access to workshops throughout the season, plus uniforms.

Umpiring uniform for Academy is as follows:

Junior and Developing: Umpire Shirt provided* with white skirt, skort or shorts ;

Development and Senior: Umpire Shirt provided* with black skirt, skort or shorts.

Your Umpiring Shirt always needs to be visible, if you are cold wear a white long sleeve shirt underneath. If it is raining you may wear a clear rain jacket or a white semi-transparent rain jacket.

*Umpire shirts are only provided to new squad members, returning members can purchase a new shirt if required.

Shorts must be mid-thigh length and not be more than 50% lycra i.e no bike shorts. The WDNA branded shorts are recommended however, you can you purchase your own but it’s recommended that you get approval prior to purchase.

WDNA has a strong team of umpire coaches working with umpires from beginner to SSN level on developing and refining the skills of umpiring. Lead by Nola Goldman, our coaches are easily recognisable out on the courts and always prepared to answer any umpiring related queries. 

If you are interested in learning how to umpire coach, please reach out to Nola or complete the below EOI:


 The Winter 2025 Green Shirts Training and Trials Is complete.

Please complete the following form to receive all future Greenshirt communication.


    The Green Shirt Program is a practical umpiring course that was introduced to netball associations in 2007 and has been continually developed into the successful program that we run today. With easily identifiable uniforms, the Green Shirts Program aims to support beginner umpires through coaching, supervision and awareness. 

    The program is aimed at training and developing umpires of all ages towards their National C badge. The Winter Program will run on Saturday with the 12&U age group and above.


    If you really want to learn to umpire, there is no better start than the Green Shirt Program. The training received in the first month is second to none, delivered by experienced umpire coaches.

    The aim of the program is to ensure that new umpires are easily recognisable and are fully supported by the association, reducing the pressure and lessening abuse and conflict directed towards new officials.

    Benefits of this program include:

    • Ongoing coaching by the Umpire Coaching Team;
    • Support in the event of issues with spectators, coaches or players
    • Develop umpiring skills and techniques;
    • Learning the correct procedures and protocols of umpiring; and
    • Start your journey on the umpire pathway


    Yes, you can. The dates and times of the trials have been created to allow you to attend trials that do not clash with TACT trials enabling you to attend both programs. 


    A fee, which covers all the training and trial sessions, of $67 (plus PlayHQ transaction fees) is payable online at the time of enrolment.

    The cost of the Green Shirt program (running from April to September) is $150 (plus PlayHQ transaction fees). This includes:

    • A meet and greet with all the Umpiring Academy
    • Training sessions prior to the start of the season;
    • A minimum of 8 weeks of umpiring matches with umpire coach support (for which you receive payment courtside for your umpiring games);
    • Further training sessions specifically for GS umpires only;
    • Entry to Rules discussion and Game management workshops
    • Subsidized badging costs and 
    • The loan of the green polo shirt.

    Additional courses

    These courses are a requirement for all umpires on Saturday games at WDNA from 2025.  These charges are in addition to the cost of the Green Shirt program and are paid & completed online through the Netball Australia learning portal.


    We strongly encourage mature umpires to come through our program. Over the last few years we have managed to attract a number of adults who have enjoyed and successfully progressed through the program.

    Junior umpires should be born in 2012 (turning 13 in 2025). We do allow younger umpires to do the training and the trials but they must have played at least one season in full rules before they can apply to enter this program.

    Selection into the program is based on ability with all umpires facing the same criteria.


    Each umpire must have:

    • a white skirt, skorts or shorts (WDNA preferred branded skort/short, however others are acceptable if pre-approved – it is noted that shorts must be of a mid-thigh length and not made of more than 50% lycra or similar material (no bike shorts).
    • A Thunderer whistle and 2024 rule book. 
    • Note book and pen – for receiving feedback
    • Hair elastic – for tracking Centre passes

    Should you be awarded your National C Badge WDNA will also provide you with a White Graduate Shirt for you to keep once you have returned your Green Shirt.

    The umpiring academy has Thunderer Whistles, shorts, skorts, caps, visors and rain jackets for sale, however you do not have to purchase provided they meet the above requirements.


    All umpires that are NEW to THIS program must attend our compulsory training program, there are six dates available and you MUST attend both a Day 1 and a Day 2 training session. You can chose which dates you complete them on, however please note that you will not be eligible for the program or trials if the two sessions aren’t completed. The dates for 2025 are as follows Theses dates are:

    Day One Sessions:

    Friday 17th January 3pm-7pm or

    Monday 20th January 8am-12pm or

    Saturday 01st February 2pm-6pm

    Day Two Sessions:

    Saturday 18th January 8am-12pm

    Tuesday 21st January 8am-12pm

    Sunday 02nd February 8am-12pm

    Trial Sessions (attendance required at 2)

    Sunday 09th February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Sunday 16th February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Saturday 22nd February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Sunday 02nd March: 7:30am – 11:30am

    All training will be held at the WDNA Clubrooms at the times noted above. Training includes both practical and theory drills.


    Firstly you must enrol in PlayHQ – please take the time to read through the information BEFORE you register.

    You will also need to complete the online Foundation Umpire Course prior to attending the first training sessions.

    **Umpires who have already completed the Green Shirt training should reach out to the umpiring team before registering.

    Trial Sessions (attendance required at 2)

    Sunday 09th February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Sunday 16th February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Saturday 22nd February: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Sunday 02nd March: 7:30am – 11:30am

    Greenshirt selections will be capped, those successful will be invited to continue with the training program for Winter 2025. Registration and attendance at trials do not guarantee acceptance into the Greenshirt Program.

    Those umpires sucessful in joining the Green Shirt program for Winter 2025 can expect to umpire a minimum of 8 weeks of the season, as well as reserve for 5 games. 

Green Shirt Registrations for Winter close 24th January 2025

workshops & CLINICS

Throughout the year, the Umpiring Academy hosts a variety of workshops and clinics available to all WDNA members. These workshops are all held at the WDNA Clubrooms, and registration is essential. Please see the available courses and dates for Winter 2025 below.

Registration details will be provided for each workshop closer to.

Information on NetSetGo Umpiring Courses can be found here.

Our Rules Discussion is an opportunity to discuss the rules of our game, and answer some of the common questions we get. These interactive sessions are targeted at umpires, players and coaches of all levels.

In 2025, Rules Discussions will be run on the below dates:

  • Tuesday 29th April – 6:30-8pm
  • Thursday 21st August - 6:30-8pm
  • Monday 13th October - 6:30-8pm

Completion of this course gives you 5 points towards the re-accreditation of your Umpiring Accreditation.

The Game Management workshop aims to build the tools within an umpire’s toolkit to help maintain control of the game and prevent any untoward behaviour on the court. This is targeted at umpires with a C badge or above, but is open to all.  

In 2025, WDNA will host game management workshops on the following dates:

  • Thursday 8th May - 6:30-8pm
  • Thursday 14th August - 6:30-8pm

Completion of this course gives you 5 points towards the re-accreditation of your Umpiring Accreditation.

In the Contact vs Contest Workshop, we take a multimodal approach to discussing the contact rule and it’s intricacies. This workshop has been beneficial for umpires, coaches and players alike, to build a greater understanding of how contact in interpreted.

In 2025, we will run a Contact vs Contest workshop on:

  • Thursday 29th May -  6:30-8pm

Completion of this course gives you 5 points towards the re-accreditation of your Umpiring Accreditation.

In 2025, WDNA will run a workshop targeted at mature aged umpires who have previously umpired before but would like a refresher on umpiring techniques and rules. 

This will be run prior to round 1:

  • Thursday 1st May – 6:30-8pm

The Full Rules Clinic is an opportunity to learn umpiring from the ground up, with theoretical and practical learning of umpiring techniques and the rules of netball. This is the perfect opportunity for club umpires new to umpiring to learn from WDNA’s Umpire Coaches before stepping out on court for the winter season.

These clinics will be run during the April School Holidays:

  • Sunday 13th April – 8am-2pm
  • Thursday 24th April – 8am-2pm

Cost: $40 (plus PlayHQ transaction fees)

Before umpiring at WDNA, you must show proof of passing the Rules of Netball exam & Foundation Umpires Course available on the Netball Learning portal.

accredited umpiring Courses

The Rules of Netball Examination is a multiple choice exam covering the rules of the game and is available via the Netball Learning portal. 

A pass is 70%: This is a requirement of ALL umpires wishing to umpire at WDNA. 

The course is valid for 4 years and is accessible via the Netball Learning portal.

All fees are set by Netball Australia and are payable upon enrolment in this course. As of January 2025, the fee set is $13.

The Foundation Umpire Online Course provides an introduction to the basic techniques and knowledge required of a netball umpire. It is for all ages and skill levels. 

Completion of this course is a requirement for ALL umpires umpiring at WDNA.

The course is valid for 4 years and is accessible via the Netball Learning portal.

All fees are set by Netball Australia and are payable upon enrolment in this course. As of January 2025, the fee set is $50.

December 10, 2024
Congratulations to Jess McKemmish!


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