All umpires who wish to umpire full rules netball at WDNA must:
In the 2025 Winter season, Clubs at WDNA will be responsible for supplying umpires for the following divisions:
NSG – All games
12&u – Divisions 3, 6 & below
13&u – Divisions 3, 6 & below
15&u – Division 4 & below
18&u – Division 3 & below
21&u – Division 2 & below
Open – Division 3 & below
Umpires are NOT required to wear white skirts or shorts however; a predominantly white top is required as per our current Procedures and Protocols. Any jumpers or jackets worn over the top of a white shirt MUST also be predominantly white. No umpire can umpire in their playing uniform – they need to be appropriately attired, including suitable footwear.
WDNA runs a variety of workshops, open to all its members. Run by our highly experienced umpire coaches, these sessions are a great learning opportunity for new and experienced umpires alike. These workshops do incur a small fee, and provide umpires with tools and knowledge to continue to progress their umpiring.
Please see Workshops & Clinics for more information.
It is the responsibility of the club to allocate their umpires to suitable games, and cover all of their club’s teams not covered by the WDNA Umpiring Academy. This requires the umpire to be capable of controlling the game, keeping reasonable position in relation to play, and be neutral in their decision-making.
Should the AUDO or their representative deem an umpire unsuitable, WDNA reserves the right to remove an umpire from a game, and the club will need to provide someone more suitable. Failure to do so will result in penalties. The AUDO will provide the removed umpire and their representative club written recommendations for further development. If an umpire is removed 3 times, they will not be able to umpire until they have attended a WDNA upskilling workshop, at the cost of the umpire.
Badging Pre-Requisites
To be able to obtain your National Badge you must have completed all the pre-requisites (see below). Once these are complete you will be tested by a panel of experienced umpires on a game of suitable level. To pass you must meet the badge criteria appropriate for your level as set out by Netball Australia. All testing panels and matches are organised by the AUDO. Contact must be made through either your club umpire coordinator or your nominated club contact.
There are two options available:
The Process
List updated by WDNA prior to season commencement
The NetSetGo competition is designed for players, coaches and umpires to be introduced to the sport of netball, with modified rules in place to assist with the flow of the game. Umpires are required to understand and apply these rules, with the intent of assisting the players in learning what is and isn't allowed in netball.
Each of these umpires is required to attend a NSG Modified Rules workshop at WDNA prior to umpiring, and pass the Rules of Netball exam (70%). This workshop assumes knowledge of basic umpiring procedures.
If an umpire is brand new, they must attend the NSG School Holiday Clinics. This teaches umpires basic procedures, as well as the modified rules.
All NSG umpires must have passed an online quiz following the workshop/clinic, it is sent out by WDNA.
Requirements to umpire NSG:
2024 NSG Umpires will receive an email from with link to the online quiz in late March.
All WDNA approved NSG umpires will be published on the WDNA website. It is the clubs’ responsibility to ensure that the umpire they allocate to a NSG team is on the list. If clubs are found to be using umpires that are not appropriately accredited, penalties will apply.
This is a compulsory workshop for all experienced umpires that wish to umpire Net Set Go at WDNA, to ensure that they are aware of and are appropriately applying the modified rules. This workshop will NOT be teaching umpires how to umpire and it is expected that all umpires have passed the Rules of Netball Examination prior to attending this course so they have a good working knowledge of the rules.
During this workshop Umpires will be provided with a copy of the modified rules as applied by WDNA and shown what this may look like on the court. This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions about interpreting the modified rules.
Upon completion of this course, umpires will be sent a short online quiz by WDNA and if passed, the umpire is placed on the approved umpires list for NSG in 2025. The umpire must also show proof of passing the Rules of Netball exam.
To ensure regular updating for NSG umpires, this workshop must be completed every 2 years. If you completed the workshop last year, you will only need to re-sit the WDNA NSG online quiz. Please email for access to this.
The cost of this course is $9.50 (plus transaction fees). The registration link will be posted below prior to the courses.
The Winter 2025 courses will be held on the following dates at the WDNA clubrooms:
Dates for updating before the Spring season will be published closer to.
The NetSetGo Umpire Clinic is a 4 hour clinic designed to supply beginner umpires with the knowledge they need to step out on court and umpire NSG games. With 3 hours of theory on the techniques of umpiring and rules of Net Set Go, followed by an hour of matchplay and practical coaching, this clinic is compulsory for beginner umpires wishing to umpire NSG at WDNA.
In 2025, these courses will be run alongside the Player School Holiday Clinics, on the following dates during the School Holidays:
Cost: $35 (plus PlayHQ transaction fees)
Upon completion of this course, umpires will be sent a short online quiz by WDNA and if passed, the umpire is placed on the approved umpires list for NSG in 2025. The umpire must also show proof of passing the Rules of Netball exam available on the Netball Learning portal.
This course will include a practical session umpiring NSG players while receiving coaching. This means there is a limited number of spots available.
(08) 9409 9950
Kingsway Sporting Complex, Spectator Drive, MADELEY WA 6065
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4pm
Acknowledgement of country: WDNA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land we are on, the Whadjuk people. We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Noongar nation, past and present.
All Rights Reserved | WDNA
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