WDNA will be holding a School Holiday Players Clinic during 2024. Featuring NetSetGo Clinics for all Girls and Boy’s born from January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2017. The clinics will be for players registered with clubs at WDNA (please register players in the age group they are playing in with their team for Winter or Spring 2024) and surrounding associations.
COST:$61.22 (non refundable)
PROGRAM: Day One will involve players learning netball specific skills including ball work, shooting, foot work followed by match play. Day Two is starting with attacking and defence skills, followed by a round robin competition where teams will get the chance to practice these skills learnt in supervised match play.
Players will be sorted into groups by their ages, and if you want friends to be put together, please follow-up with an email directly to development@wdna.net.au
The Program will run on the following days:
NSG (Ages 7-10 born between Jan 2014 to Dec 2017)
Day 1 – Tuesday 1 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Players will receive coaching in the essential skills of ball handling, footwork, general attacking and general defending.
Day 2 – Wednesday 2 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Groups will play a series of matches against other groups in the same age division to put the skills learnt on Monday into practice. Umpires will be provided by the Umpire Development Squad.
11 to 13 years – Thursday 3 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Players will receive coaching in the essential skills of ball handling, footwork, general attacking and general defending.
11 to 13 years – Friday 4 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Groups will play a series of matches against other groups in the same age division to put the skills learnt into practice.
WA THUNDERBOLTZ CLINIC” – our very own WA Thunder Athletes delivering 2 Days of skilled sessions to our Future Boys in Netball!
Players will receive coaching in the essential skills of ball handling, footwork, general attacking and general defending.
10 to 15 years – Thursday 3 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
10 to 15 years – Friday 4 October, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Specialised sessions in Shooting – Midcourt and Defence – followed by general match play.
WHAT TO WEAR: Shorts/sports skirt and T-shirt or Singlet.
WHAT TO BRING: Players are requested to bring a Hat / Sunscreen / Wet weather clothing (if applicable). Please also bring 2 water bottles and a snack for morning tea. Players are not to share food, please refrain from bringing any food with nuts!
For Safety Purposes – players are not to wear jewellery and fingernails are to be short as per normal match requirements please.
(08) 9409 9950
Kingsway Sporting Complex, Spectator Drive, MADELEY WA 6065
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4pm
Acknowledgement of country: WDNA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land we are on, the Whadjuk people. We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Noongar nation, past and present.
All Rights Reserved | WDNA
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