
code of behaviour

  • Play by the rules and for the fun of the game.
  • Respect the decisions of officials, umpires, coaches, and administrators.
  • Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport.
  • Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality, or religion.
  • Do not use abusive, bullying, or threatening behaviour.
  • Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent and throwing equipment is not acceptable or permitted in any sport.
  • Be a good sport. Cheer all good plays, whether they be by your team or the other team.
  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
  • Avoid use of derogatory language.
  • Act with integrity and objectivity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  • Co-operate with your coach, team-mates and opponents and umpires. Without them there would be no game. 

  • Be reasonable in your demands on your players’ time, energy, and enthusiasm.
  • Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
  • Be aware of and support the sport’s injury management plans and return to play guidelines.

Coaching excellence

  • Help each person (athlete, official, etc) to reach their potential. Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each person and encourage them with positive and constructive feedback.
  • All players need equal court time.
  • Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviours and skills.
  • Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport.
  • Treat each participant as an individual.
  • Never ridicule or yell at the players for making mistakes or losing a competition.
  • Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of participants.

Honour the sport

  • Act within the rules and spirit of your sport. Teach your players that rules of the sport are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break.
  • Promote fair play over winning at any cost.
  • Respect the decisions of officials, umpires, coaches and administrators.
  • Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport.
  • Remember that we participate for fun and enjoyment and that winning is only part of their motivation. 


  • Act with integrity and objectivity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  • Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment-free environment.
  • Wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power imbalance exists) with people under the age of 18.
  • Ensure that any physical contact with another person is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the person's skill development.
  • Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured player is ready to recommence play.


  • Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality, or religion.
  • Do not tolerate abusive, bullying, or threatening behaviour.
  • Develop team respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgement of officials and opposing coaches.


  • Each member is responsible in helping to provide a safe environment for participation. Aggressive, threatening, or other inappropriate behaviour by members, their families, their friends, and other sporting personnel while attending a game or event will not be tolerated.
  • These behaviours specifically include:
  • Using bad language.
  • Harassing or ridiculing players, coaches, officials, umpires, or other spectators.
  • Making racist, religious, sexist, or other inappropriate comments to players, coaches, officials, or other spectators.
  • Any threatening behaviour or physical altercation between spectators and players, coaches, officials, umpires, or other spectators.
  • Putting undue pressure on children, berating them, or putting down their performance.
  • Partaking in alcohol or drugs at a game or training.
  • Applaud good performances and efforts from each team. Congratulate all participants upon their performance, regardless of the game’s outcome.

Honour the sport

  • Respect the official’s decisions. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach the players to do likewise.
  • Never ridicule a player or umpire for making a mistake during a competition. Positive comments are motivational.
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials, umpires, or players.
  • Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.
  • Encourage players to follow the rules and the official’s and umpire’s decisions.
  • Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches and officials and umpires. They give their time and resources to provide recreational activities for the children and deserve your support.

  • Treat all players, umpires, coaches, spectators and/or other officials with respect
  • Facilitate the game of netball fairly, consistently and objectively according to the current Rules of Netball and WDNA Policies and Procedures.
  • Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else, including:

          Ensuring the court and its surrounds are compliant with the rules.

          Taking appropriate action to manage dangerous play.

  • Be a positive role model through behaviour and personal appearance projecting a favourable image of Netball and umpiring at all times.
  • Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and/or victimisation.
  • Be courteous, respectful and open to discussion and interaction with other Netball participants, where appropriate

The Way we Play

Scorecard Examples 

Timer's Responsibility

For Scorers:

  • The scorers are jointly responsible for keeping an accurate record of the score.
  • Before the start of play the scorers record the names of all players (including playing positions for the start of play) and team officials.

During the match the scorers:

a. Record any team changes and/or substitutions.

b. Record goals scored for each team as they occur as well as any unsuccessful shots.

c. Keep a record of the centre passes taken by each team.

d. Call the correct centre pass if appealed to by an umpire.

e. Signal the direction of any centre pass to be taken immediately after a stoppage.

f. Notify the umpires if a wrong centre pass is indicated.

For Timekeepers:

  • The timekeepers are jointly responsible for ensuring that each period of play and each interval is of the correct length of time.
  • During the match the timekeepers:

a. Notify the umpires when there are 30 seconds and 10 seconds remaining before the start of a period of play.

b. Start timing when the match is started by the umpire’s whistle.

c. When the playing time specified for a quarter/half has elapsed, simultaneously notify both umpires by electronic and/or audible means; the controlling umpire then immediately ends play (the co-umpire ends play if the controlling umpire is unaware).

d. Hold time when signaled to do so by the umpire and restart timing when the umpire signals for play to resume.

e. Notify the umpires when 10 seconds remain prior to the end of a stoppage for injury/illness of a player, blood, or emergency.

f. Time the suspension period of two minutes playing time for a suspended player and advise the reserve umpire when the time has elapsed.

g. Time the ordered-off period of four minutes playing time for an ordered-off player and advise the reserve umpire when the time has elapsed.

Scorer's Responsibility

  • All sections of the score card are to be correctly filled in – this includes playing positions for all age groups.
  • Fines will be issued for incomplete, incorrect or late score cards.
  • Scoring team is responsible for filling out: 
  • - Your players Surname and First if not on the printed score card
  • - Players Full Names (Ward Lorraine not L Ward or Lorraine W)
  • Player playing up from a lower division to be entered on the team list as well as on the back of the score card in designated section – Team number that they are playing up from i.e.: Rangers 7, Lorraine Ward, DOB and division playing up from
  • SVG - For a fill in player who is not permanently in the team. SVG - players name to be listed on the team list as well as the designated section on the back of the score card and must include a SVG number
  • SGV must be purchased before the game commences
  • Keep an accurate record of goals scored by putting a cross through the numbered square as a goal is scored
  • Keep an accurate record of the Centre passes
  • Each quarter update your players and their position for that quarter
  • Immediately after the game ensure both umpires and captains sign the score card and hand into match office


  • Being on the score card does not constitute playing a game. The player must have taken the court and have a playing position recorded next to their name to have been deemed as playing
  • Please ensure the card is neat and legible
  • The scoring team is responsible for handing in the score card as written on scorecard.

Timeslots 2025 *Subject to number of registrations*


4.00pm‐ NET 

4.30pm‐NSG SET

5.30pm‐NSG GO


12U – 8.30am 

13U – 10:00am 

15U ‐ 11.30am 

18U& 21U – 1.00pm 

Open – 2.30 & 4.15pm


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