
Working with Children Check

Complying with WWCC requirements is compulsory for all sporting organisations who engage people in child-related work in WA under the Working with Children (Screening) Act, 2004. 

Any work undertaken at an association or club, whether as a volunteer or if receiving a financial reward, falls under Category 12 of the Act – a club, association or movement.

Parents and guardians who volunteer under Category 12, are not required to obtain a WWC Check as they are exempt under the Act under the Parent Volunteer Exemption. 

Any person who does any work at an association or club, whether volunteering or receiving a financial reward, and does not have a child participating in the association or club, or fall under any other exemption category, MUST obtain a WWC Check. 

Any child (U18) who volunteers at an association or club is not required to obtain a WWC Check as they are exempt under the Act under the Child Volunteer Exemption. 

Any child who receives a financial reward that is more than their expenses, must obtain a WWC Check, as they are no longer considered a volunteer under the Act. 

Any person with a current negative notice or interim negative notice cannot engage in child-related work and cannot access a WWC Check. They also cannot access any exemptions.

WDNA Information Sheet

It is recommended that clubs use this  document  as a Working With Children Check guide . Other documents mentioned in this guide are provided below.  

Club Register Template

Clubs must keep a register of WWCC and exemption declarations for their members.

Volunteer Declaration Form

it is recommended to have all position holders (coaches, managers, committee, umpires) complete a Volunteer Declaration Form to document their card details/exemption.

WWCC websites 

Department of communities- WWCC

Register WWC Card holders to  the WWC screening unit

Validity Check  of WWC Card

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